The Cabral Concept: 2347: Omega 3 Capsules vs. Liquid, Reticuloendothelial System, Chilblains, CBO Protocol & Sleep, Low Elastase, Plant Based Protein Powders (HouseCall) (2025)

Thank you for joining us for our 2nd Cabral HouseCall of the weekend!

I’m looking forward to sharing with you some of our community’s questions that have come in over the past few weeks…

Anonymous: I wrote in on FB and your support email and was referred to ask here. Can you tell me why the Omega 3 capsules and liquid has different EPA/DHA ratios and the liquid has added DPA. What would be the reason a person would select one option or the other besides not wanting a capsule or liquid?

Rani: I have searched the podcast archives and haven't found anything on this topic so I was wondering if you could touch on it. Could you explain the reticuloendothelial system (RES)? Specifically the iron recycling system. I see many practitioners talk about the iron recycling system & how supplementing with iron is unnecessary and possibly dangerous. I would love to get your explanation on this topic. Thank you as I value your knowledge and wisdom.

Samantha: Hi Dr. Cabral, Thank you for your time. 10 years ago I had what I thought was painful dermatitis/eczema on my hands, but looks like Chilblains. 2 years ago, my family and I found out we had mold toxicity and are still working through protocol with a functional practitioner (my suspicion is years ago, chilblains was my first symptom from an overactive immune response due to the unknown ongoing mold exposure). Do you have any insight on what root cause(s) is for chilblains and if it’s related to histamine and what can be done to heal from the disease, not just manage it. Thank you, Samantha

Alicja (Ah-leets-yah): Hi Dr. Cabral, My question today is about protocols and sleep. I started CBO protocol and my sleep got worse. Every day when I took CBO supplements I woke up between 3:00-3:30 am. When I'm up at this time - there is no chance for me to go back to sleep. I took a break from the supplements and my sleep went back to normal. I'm not sure what that means. Meantime I got my stool test results that detected one protozoa (Entamoeba coli) so I decided to do parasite protocol. The same thing happened. I started taking supplements (Para Support) and I started waking up between 3:00-3:30am. What do you think is happening? Any thoughts how to work around that? I need my sleep for proper healing. As always I appreciate your help and thank you greatly!

Alicja (Ah-leets-yah):One more question: My test results also showed I have very low levels of pancreatic enzyme: elastase. (It should be more than 200 ug/mL and I only have 28) I take digestive enzymes with every meal. Is there anything else I could do? Do you think HCL would be better for me? Or should I take HCL together with digestive enzymes? Is low elastase reversible or most likely I'm gonna be stuck with low numbers for the rest of my life and rely on digestive enzymes for the rest of my life too? I would love to hear your thoughts. I trust your knowledge very much. Thank you for you your amazing work.

Summer: Hi Dr. Cabral! I’d love to hear your thoughts on plant based protein powders. I don’t know if I can use actual company names or not, but I’ve used Genuine Health and Sun Warrior over the last few years and I notice that I CAN tolerated plant based protein in a powder but CANNOT tolerate most plant proteins in whole food form. Looks like both companies are calling their products fermented which also raises a couple of questions. I know you suggest cutting anything fermented if you have gut dysbiosis, but how could any of those ‘good healthy’ fermented bacteria survive the processing required to make these powders? So is it necessary to cut these powders with gut dysbiosis? Is the purpose of the fermentation in these cases meant to purely break down the plant into a more digestible form rather than trying to use it to repopulate the gut with good fermented bacteria as you would do with homemade ferments like sauerkraut? I can understand that it might help break down the plant, but I don’t see how any good bacteria would ever survive that processing. Thanks so much, and have a great day!

Thank you for tuning into this weekend’s Cabral HouseCalls and be sure to check back tomorrow for our Mindset & Motivation Monday show to get your week started off right!

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The Cabral Concept: 2347: Omega 3 Capsules vs. Liquid, Reticuloendothelial System, Chilblains, CBO Protocol & Sleep, Low Elastase, Plant Based Protein Powders (HouseCall) (2025)


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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.