Consumers receive checks and cash as payment for work they have performed, gifts, and items they may have sold. Many will cash the checks and keep the cash on hand to pay bills and everyday expenses. However, with today’s electronic payment systems, the cash needs to be in your bank account to be available whenever you need to pay a bill for utilities, credit cards, loans, or mortgage payments.
The process used by most banks and credit unions utilizes a deposit slip process to record the amounts indicated on checks and denomination of cash they wish to deposit. The traditional method uses a paper record completed by the consumer; however, many institutions are moving to electronic deposits through ATMs and even an app on smartphones. We will explore these concepts in more detail in this post.
What Is a Deposit Slip?
A deposit slip is a small piece of paper that can be found in your checkbook or a slot at the bank you deal with. The deposit slip must be filled in before your funds can be turned over to the bank teller for processing and deposit to your account. The deposit slips record key information for the deposit to protect your funds and also the banks. This information includes:
- Date of deposit
- Bank and branch numbers
- Account number
- Itemized checks if more than one
- Itemized cash amounts
- Total cash
- Total checks
- Total deposit
- Name of depositor
- Signature of depositor
Deposit Slip Templates & Examples
How Can a Deposit Slip Example Help You?
For many, the deposit slip is fairly easy to fill in and present to the teller at your local bank, where you have an account. However, following an example can help to ensure that you include all of the information needed in the correct locations.
If you do make a mistake or are confused, ask a teller at the bank to provide assistance and request a copy for future reference. Note that many people will write the bank number, the branch number (also known as the routing number), and their account number on the back of the check they are cashing as an added security to ensure that their funds are placed in the correct account. These numbers must match the information filled in on the deposit slip.
If you do not know the routing number of the transit number of your branch, the teller at the bank can provide this information. If you are using a preprinted deposit slip from your local branch, this information is usually already printed in the deposit slip. You only need to add your account number. Always check that these numbers are correct to avoid depositing the funds into the wrong account.
How Deposit Slips Work
Most bank branches have pre-printed deposit slips located at a table for clients to use. They can fill them out at the table before approaching the bank teller. Clients need to add their account number, which tells the teller which accounts the deposit is to be made.
The deposit slip has space for recording checks that need to be cashed as well as actual cash that you may want to deposit to your account. Once the deposit slip is filled out, approach the bank teller, who will check all of the details and amounts before processing the deposit.
Once the deposit is completed, the teller will provide you with a receipt indicating the amount deposited, the new balance in your account, the date, and the account number the funds were deposited into.
Benefits of Using a Deposit Slip
Deposit slips provide protection for both the bank and the client. There is a paper record that both can use as confirmation of the deposit and cross-reference to client and bank ledgers.
The deposit slip is a receipt stamped by the bank indicating the amount and the location or account the funds were deposited. Both parties can use this slip to verify that the amounts were deposited and cross-referenced to a deposit into your account.
The deposit slip also requires the client to record all checks and cash and total all amounts for the deposit. It is a cross-check that helps the client ensure they have all of the checks and cash they expect to be deposited.
How to Fill Out a Bank Deposit Slip
Filling out a bank deposit slip is relatively straightforward. Before entering the bank, clients should summarize all of their deposits of checks and cash, including any coin. This helps to ensure that funds are not left at home, requiring a second trip to the bank.
Upon entering the bank, find a blank deposit slip and fill in the requested information. Accurately fill in your account number and list each check in the assigned space on the slip. If you are also depositing cash, you will need to itemize the denomination of the funds you are depositing. List the number of $100, $50, $20, $10, $5, $1 bills, and any coins that are being deposited.
Checks must be subtotaled separately from cash being deposited. Indicate the total and add your signature to the deposit slip. Finally, check that everything has been filled in as required and that all of your checks and cash are accounted for.
Once completed, approach the teller, who will cross-check the deposit information before depositing it to your account.
Check Deposits
Depositing checks with a teller requires a deposit slip to be filled in. If you have more than one check to deposit, multiple checks can be included on one slip; however, you may need more than one deposit slip if there are more checks than space allows on the slip.
Enter each check amount in the space provided, indicating the dollars and cents for each check. List the check number and name beside each for ease of identification. Once you have entered all of the checks, add up the amounts and enter the total where indicated. If you plan to take some of the money in cash and deposit the rest, there is a place on the slip to indicate the appropriate amounts.
When you present the checks and deposit slip to the teller, he or she will review each check and initial or place a checkmark on each check and on the deposit slip to indicate there is a match. This is a standard procedure.
Also, depending on the amounts, the type of account you have, and your credit rating, the deposits may be held in your account until the check clears. The amounts will be shown as deposits; however, you will be unable to use the funds until the accounts the check is drawn on have cleared, indicating the check was a valid check. Unfortunately, there is a great deal of fraud in this area, and banking institutions have taken this approach to protect their customers and their companies.
ATM Deposits
Modern banking systems are making increasing use of ATMs. They are no longer just devices for withdrawing money from your account. Clients can make transfers between accounts, pay bills and make deposits of either cash or deposits. ATMs do not accept coins for deposits.
Many still require a deposit slip to be prepared and placed in an envelope along with the checks and cash. The envelope is deposited into the machine, which is usually emptied once per day, and every envelope is opened and checked for accuracy. Since there is no teller to check your math etc., the writer suggests you check that your math is correct and that all of the deposited items are in the envelope.
ATMs are now being rolled out for clients that do not require the preparation of a deposit slip. Clients enter the amount of each check, submit it to the ATMs, which scan it and create a deposit slip for you. Once you have finished submitting checks and cash, you select the account you want to deposit to, and the machine prints a deposit slip record for you to retain for your records.
The same rule applies in terms of the cash being immediately available for use. The checks must clear first in most cases depending on the amounts and your credit rating before you can access the funds.
Mobile Deposits
The latest method of cashing a check is to use the banking app on your smartphone to cash the check. Banking clients can cash the check from the comfort of their homes as long as they have a smartphone with the banking app installed and are in good standing with their bank.
Each app has a process to follow for this purpose. In most cases, you need to take a picture of the front and back of the check when prompted by the app, enter details about the amount, and the system does the rest for you. It is very convenient, and the funds are reflected in your account immediately.
Once again, readers are reminded that these funds may not be immediately available to them until the check has cleared, depending on the amount and your account permissions.
Clients are encouraged to sign the back of the check as well as write the bank number, the branch transit number, and their account number on the back of the check.
Clients cannot deposit cash or coins using this method.
The following are some of the most common frequently asked questions many readers have about deposit slips.
How do I get a deposit slip?
Deposit slips can be found at the client’s local bank branch in designated locations where the client can fill out the deposit slip in private. The deposit slip must be filled out before approaching the teller for the bank. If the client has a checkbook, these books may also have deposit slips that can be removed and filled in before visiting your local branch.
Can you print a deposit slip?
Many small businesses use an accounting system to manage their cash flow, bill payment, and deposits. These systems may have deposit slip printing capabilities. For the average person depositing one or two checks a year, it is easier to use an ATM, their smartphone banking app, or visit their local branch to make a deposit.
Are deposit slips necessary?
Deposit slips are necessary when making deposits via a teller at your local branch. The deposit slips ensure that all of the correct information is available to deposit to the correct account. Deposit slips are not required when using an ATM in many cases or using your smartphone banking app. These ATM systems will automatically print a deposit receipt. Smartphone apps will send an electronic confirmation of the deposit which can be printed if needed.
Do I need a deposit slip to deposit a check at an ATM?
Older ATM systems may still require a deposit slip to be filled in and the slip, checks, and cash placed in an envelope to be inserted into the ATM. Modern ATMs do not require deposit slips. They will provide a deposit receipt, including photocopies of the check deposits if requested.
Can I get the direct deposit form online?
Clients who desire to have their paychecks deposited to their accounts online can fill out a direct deposit form with their employer. They need to provide the routing number and account number to their employer, who will use this information to make a direct deposit to their account whenever they are to be paid.
What is a cash deposit slip?
A cash deposit slip is the same as a deposit slip and can be used to make deposits of cash or checks to your account. Itemize the bills and coins that you want to deposit, fill in the account information, sign it and take it to your branch for deposit.
When can I use the money I deposit?
Depending on the size of the check and the rules your bank has in place, you may have to wait until the check clears before you can use the funds. This is the fund’s availability policy, and every bank has a policy covering this issue. For a personal check, they may allow you to use up to $200, while for a cashier’s check or money order, they may be more lenient. You should ask bank staff for the rules they follow when cashing checks.
If you have plans to pay bills or spend the money immediately after depositing a large check, you could find the money on hold and your bill payments late, which in turn causes late penalty fees.
When is it required to sign a deposit slip?
There is a line on deposit slips for the client to sign, and most people do sign whenever they are making a deposit. However, not all banks require a signature when making a deposit and not taking a cash advance. There is no signature required if you are depositing through an ATM. If you are taking a cash advance, the bank will require a signature for the funds you are withdrawing from your account.
Where is the routing number on a deposit slip?
The routing number for the branch and bank you are in is usually at the bottom of the deposit slip. You will need to add your account number to the deposit slip as well. With modern banking systems, clients can open an account in one branch and make deposits to their account at another branch of the same bank. Clients should ensure they are using the proper routing numbers, in this case, to ensure their money is deposited to the correct account.
How to fill out a deposit slip for someone else?
Occasionally you may be asked to make a deposit to someone else’s account. If you are being asked to deposit a check to your account and then send the funds to the third person, it is most likely a scam. Avoid these situations.
If you need to deposit a check that is made out to someone else to their account, they will need to sign the back of the check and add their account number to the back of the check. You will need to fill out a deposit slip with all of the required information and present it to the teller at the bank. The teller will deposit the funds to the other person’s account. You will not be able to withdraw funds from the account in this situation.
Is a deposit a transaction?
A deposit to an account is considered a transaction and will show up on your monthly statement as a deposit.
Deposit slips are being used less and less as technology takes over this paper-driven process. Many clients use ATM deposit capabilities where no deposit slip is required, and the ATM automatically prints a receipt for your deposit which contains all of the same information found on a deposit slip.
Banks are also introducing smartphone apps that allow clients to fully manage their accounts from their phones. These apps provide functionality for depositing checks into their accounts without the need to visit their branch.
Key-points, Conclusi
Key Points
Deposit slips are used to document both cash and checks that are being deposited into an account. All checks and cash are itemized on the deposit slip, subtotaled, and totaled. The account number must also be added along with the routing number of the bank your account is held at.
Deposits can also be made at ATMs for both cash and checks, except for coins. Each item is entered on a deposit slip, and the checks, cash, and deposit slip is placed in an envelope to be entered into the ATM. More advanced ATMs have done away with deposit slips. Checks and cash are submitted one at a time, and the client is given a deposit receipt printed by the ATM.
Smartphones can also be used to submit checks for deposit to an account. Apps installed on the phone for the bank used by the client are set up to take photos of the front and back of the check. Once the client fills in the required information, the amount is shown as a deposit transaction to the account.
Each bank has a funds availability policy for deposits for checks. The rules depend on the size of the check, the branch guidelines, and the creditworthiness of your account with the bank.
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